

2016-09-26 徐蕾莹 英语环球NEWSPlus






"Silk" is the very key word in the Belt and Road Initiative. This means that the initiative is about exchanging commerce. It is about interactions between countries in a peaceful and stable environment. And it is about the flow of goods instead of fight between soldiers.



I will make it clear here that China will only open even wider to the outside world... the overall trend is that China will only open wider to the world; a door that has been opened cannot be closed again.



We need to address the downsides of globalization, but one should not give up eating for fear of choking, as a Chinese saying goes.



In the past several decades since diplomatic relations were established, we have seen much rain and winds in growing this relationship. But after each rain, the sky only gets even clearer... Hopefully there will be less rain or just a drizzle, and more clear sunny days. 



I have come here to New York for UN events, but some friends told me that I am not coming at a right time, because it is the campaign season, which is the internal affair of the U.S.. So there is little I can say about this except that no matter who becomes the next president, it is important that China-U.S. relations continue to develop in a sound and steady manner.



It is normal for China and Canada, two countries with different national conditions and in different development stages, to differ. But their common interests far outweigh differences.



We are willing to continue to be a good comrade, friend, and brother to Cuba with sincerity, long-lasting friendship, and mutual trust.



China is a major developing country with a 1.3 billion population. Managing its own affairs well is its biggest contribution to peace and development in the world.



It is time that the international community take on a new perspective. It should see itself as a community of shared future in which all are stakeholders, and should make concerted efforts to jointly tackle global challenges.



A new concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security should be nurtured and a global partnership should be established that features "dialogue instead of confrontation, and partnership instead of alliance".





Mr. President, 


I congratulate you on your election as President of the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly. I believe that under your presidency, this session of the General Assembly will move forward and make good progress according to its agenda. I also appreciate the effective work of Mr. Lykketoft as President of the last session of the UNGA.


I also wish to pay tribute to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon who, with modesty and a drive for harmony and accommodation, has worked tirelessly and in a down-to-earth manner over the past decade, and whose work has contributed significantly to world peace, sustainable development and the advancement and protection of human rights in the world. 


Mr. President, Dear Colleagues, 


The UN Sustainable Development Summit held last year adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, opening a new vision for global development. At the summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping gave a speech entitled "Towards Win-win Partnership for Sustainable Development" to expound on China' s principles and position as well as its readiness to advance the agenda for sustainable development.

今年是落实可持续发展议程的开局之年。前不久召开的二十国集团领导人杭州峰会,就推动世界经济增长达成杭州共识,为构建创新、活力、联动、包容的世界经济 描绘了愿景。峰会共同承诺积极落实2030年可持续发展议程,并制定了落实2030年可持续发展议程行动计划,为全球可持续发展事业注入新的动力。中国政 府还率先批准并发布了《中国落实2030年可持续发展议程国别方案》。联大一般性辩论以“可持续发展目标:共同努力改造我们的世界”为主题,很有现实意义。 

This year is the first in the Agenda's implementation. The G20 Summit held not long ago in Hangzhou of China reached the Hangzhou consensus on world economic growth. A blueprint was drawn for building an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy. Participants at the Summit pledged to actively implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and formulated an action plan toward that end, which injected new vigor to global sustainable development. The Chinese government was also among the first to adopt and release the country's National Plan on Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. As for the General Assembly, it has decided that for this year's session, the general debate will focus on the theme "The Sustainable Development Goals: a universal push to transform our world". These, in my view, are all highly relevant.

可持续发展首先是要发展,基础也在于发展。离开了发展,也就谈不上可持续。当今世界的很多问题,都是由于发展不足引起的。无论是贫困、难民危机,还是战乱 冲突、恐怖主义等,都能从发展落后上找到根源,也都需要通过发展寻求根本解决之道。唯有发展,才能保障人民的基本权利。唯有发展,才能消除全球性挑战的根源。唯有发展,才能推动人类文明进步。

Sustainable development is first and foremost about development. Development underpins every human achievement. Without development, nothing can be sustainable. The lack of development is often at the root of many problems facing the world. Be it poverty or the refugee crisis, war, conflicts or terrorism, they all could be attributed to insufficient development and none can be addressed properly without development. Only development can guarantee people's fundamental rights. Only development can root out the cause for global challenges. And only development can advance human civilization and progress.

发展必须是可持续的。可持续有着丰富内涵,哪个方面做不到,都将使发展陷入停滞与困顿。如果发展不平衡、不平等,南北差距、贫富差距拉大,则不可持续。如 果发展方式粗放,高消耗、高污染、高排放,超过资源环境承受能力,也不可持续。如果经济社会发展不协调,一条腿长一条腿短,同样不可持续。只有深刻认识和 把握可持续的内涵,全面推进减贫、南北合作和南南合作、应对气候变化等各项事业,促进公平共享和绿色发展,发展才能立得稳、走得远。 

Development must be sustainable. It must be sustainable in all dimensions, otherwise development will be stalled and strained. Development won't be sustainable if it is unbalanced, unequal and widens the gap between the North and the South and the rich and the poor. Development won't be sustainable if it is achieved in an extensive manner, driven by high consumption, high pollution and high emissions and depletes resources and strains the environment. Development won't be sustainable if economic growth and social progress are not well coordinated. Only when we keep a profound understanding of the implication of sustainability, make all-round progress in poverty reduction, North-South and South-South cooperation, climate change and other fields, and work to promote equal sharing and green development can we ensure that development is truly solid and sustainable. 

可持续发展必须包容联动。当前,可持续发展面临严峻挑战。地区冲突和热点问题此起彼伏,传统和非传统安全威胁相互交织,可持续发展环境堪忧。 世界经济复苏乏力,经济全球化阻力加大,可持续发展动力不足。重大疫情、自然灾害频发等问题日益突出,能源资源安全、粮食安全、金融安全问题交织,可持续 发展任务艰巨。越是在艰难时刻,越要提振信心。人类总是有智慧找到办法、有能力突破困境的,关键是要相互合作、同舟共济。国际社会应以命运共同体、利益攸关者的新视角,采取一致行动,共同应对全球性挑战。

Sustainable development must be inclusive and interconnected. Currently, the sustainable development endeavor is faced with grave challenges: regional conflicts and hotspots are incessant, traditional and non-traditional security threats intertwine, and the environment for sustainable development gives no reason for optimism. World economic recovery remains lukewarm, economic globalization faces strong headwind, and the momentum for sustainable development is weak. Frequent occurrence of major infectious diseases and natural disasters is increasingly prominent, the issues of energy and resource security, food security and financial security are interwoven, and sustainable development remains an uphill journey. Difficult moments call for stronger confidence. I believe mankind has the wisdom and capability to find a way out of difficulty. For that to happen, there must be cooperation and a spirit of working together to tide over difficulties. It is time that the international community take on a new perspective. It should see itself as a community of shared future in which all are stakeholders, and should make concerted efforts to jointly tackle global challenges.





荔枝 FM:英语环球



